Women’s Health Screening Program

Helping to create healthier communities across Delaware!

Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition is taking action in the community by offering a Women’s Health Screening Program. The Women’s Health Screening Program, in partnership with the State of Delaware, provides centralized patient navigation services for breast, cervical, and other health screenings to eligible residents throughout the State of Delaware. The Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition’s commitment to this program will include:

  • Pioneering and growing partnerships with screening providers, employers, as well as non-traditional partners to expand accessibility to mammography sites and other health screening sites throughout the state.
  • Ensuring access to care by navigating patients through various cultural and economic barriers including income restrictions, lack of transportation, language translation, lack of primary care provider, or having little or no insurance.
  • Reaching diverse communities to deliver messages that address their unique concerns about breast cancer and the importance of early detection.
  • Providing health screenings, health fairs, patient education, and the understanding of chronic conditions, to diverse communities to help to reduce the fear of disease.
  • Increasing the percentage of uninsured and underinsured women receiving cancer screening services in Delaware, with a focus on providing services to those who are rarely or never screened, as well as encouraging them to receive ongoing care.
  • Providing patient navigators who will help guide and navigate residents throughout the process of scheduling and obtaining screenings. In addition, patient navigators will help with language translation, answering questions, and addressing concerns often associated with health screenings.
  • A transition of patients who previously received services on the Women’s Mobile Health Screening Van to freestanding mammography and screening sites.
  • Promotion and delivery of important health and wellness education to residents across the state of Delaware.

Getting Screened

The Women’s Health Screening Program is here to help you navigate obtaining your routine breast and cervical screenings. These screenings are quick and easy, and detecting cancer early can save your life. When it comes to your health, you’re worth it. You matter. Protecting yourself by getting screened for cancer.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call to speak with a Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition Women’s Health Screening Program Bilingual Patient Navigator at 1-888-672-9647

We can help navigate you through various cultural and economic barriers including income restrictions, lack of transportation, language interpretation, lack of primary care provider, or having little or no insurance.

What if I don’t have health insurance?

If you’re uninsured or underinsured, you may be eligible for a free or reduced-cost screening through the Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH) Screening for Life program or eligible for Health Insurance through the Choose Health Delaware Health Insurance Marketplace.

Call 1-888-672-9647 for scheduling assistance or to arrange transportation or interpretation (if needed) for a mammogram with one of our screening partners.

Need Help Getting Screened for Breast Cancer?
Complete the form and we will contact you directly!

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Patient Resources Available:

DBCC is proud to offer the following centralized patient navigation resources:

  • Certified Medical Translation and Interpretation services are available in English, Spanish, and Haitian.
  • Statewide transportation to/from screening-related appointments.
  • Screening scheduling and coordination.
  • Assistance obtaining a primary care provider.

Let’s work together,
everyone benefits!

The Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition (DBCC) can partner with your organization at no cost to provide the following information, resources, and services. Our staff has worked with corporations, businesses, factories, elder care and special needs care facilities, schools, and more.

If you are interested in learning more about any
of the following services please contact:

Lissette Rivera
Women’s Health Program Manager

Breast Health Presentations

DBCC has the ability to provide breast health education in person, via Zoom, or through a pre-recorded video. Our breast health presentations teach audiences the basics of breast anatomy, how breast cancer forms, how breast cancer is treated, how to understand their personal risk of breast cancer, and how to reduce their risk of breast cancer.

Lunch & Learn Meetings

Meetings usually occur during the organization’s lunch hour and the organization typically provides lunch for their employees or guests to enjoy during the presentation. The lunch and learn meetings are presented by DBCC staff. Each presentation includes a brief overview of DBCC’s programs and services followed by either an intro or an in-depth Breast Health Awareness Presentation.

Screening Days

DBCC plans and organizes specific screening day(s) and time windows at local imaging centers for the partner organization’s employees to obtain their routine mammograms. DBCC can provide certified medical interpretation for patients as well as patient transportation to and from the screenings as needed.

DBCC’s Pink Folders

DBCC’s Pink folders are for patients newly diagnosed with breast cancer. Pink folders are a toolkit of resources and information on DBCC programs, financial aid, support groups, and local resources available.

These folders are often the first resource someone in Delaware receives during their diagnosis appointment.