Yes2Health programs are brought to participants at no cost by the Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition (DBCC) and supporting partners. DBCC wants to help create opportunities for members of the community to reduce their risk of chronic diseases such as breast cancer by living a healthy lifestyle!
Reduce your risk of chronic disease
by living a healthy lifestyle!
Yes2Health Health Ed
Anyone can join Yes2Health Health Ed at no cost! Participants meet weekly on Zoom for 10 weeks for education on fitness, health, and wellness to stay on a healthy track and are encouraged to walk for at least 30 minutes per week.
Choose one Health Ed session that is convenient for you. Click the link and register on Zoom. Once you successfully register for a session, you will be contacted by the group facilitator! Then your group will meet for the next 10 weeks during that timeframe. We will establish a nurturing, supportive, and safe environment for those struggling with health issues that put them at risk of developing breast cancer and/or other chronic illnesses.
Join today at no-cost!

Register here for the Virtual Group:
Register here for the Self-Guided Email Series:
Register here for the in-person Rehoboth Group:
Regístrese aquí para el Grupo Glasgow presencial (En español):
Yes2Health in the kitchen
Anyone can join for a no-cost, interactive online cooking class called Yes2Health in the Kitchen presented by the Yes2Health Program. During each class, participants will learn a new culinary skill while preparing a healthy recipe!
Register here for Yes2Health in the Kitchen!

Yes2Health Active Cooking Series
Yes2Health Active Cooking Series is an online cookbook club! Registered participants will receive one cookbook to follow and discuss with the group in a monthly meeting!
Click here to register!

The Advancing Healthy Lifestyles mini-grant program is made possible through the Delaware Division of Public Health’s Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity Prevention Program (PANO).
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Yes2Health One-on-One Nutrition Counseling
Click here to Contact Connie!

Register Here!