Hosted by The Starboard & Body Shop Fitness, Rehoboth Beach
Saturday, October 9, 2021.
Dewey Beach, Delaware (Sussex County)
5k run and 1.5mile walk start times are at 11:00am
Starboard, Delaware 1, Dewey Beach, DE, USA
Register or learn more at :
Occurring the first or second Saturday each October Dewey Goes Pink is a 5K run-walk / 1.5 mile walk & Pink Pig Roast to raise money for our local Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition. Monty tells the story of his mother telling him what a wonderful organization the DBCC is as they keep all of the money raised local right here in the very community of his businesses. It makes perfect sense for local businessmen to give back in this special way to their local community, and to all of their customers that deal with breast cancer in their own way. This event was created and is hosted by two local businessmen that both have strong interest in fighting breast cancer.